Almost all games involve some kind of level system, it’s one of the most basic ways in which we can tell how well we are doing in the game and how far along we are in terms of expertise and skill. Games like Final Fate TD take this principle to the max.

There are loads of different ways to level up in Final Fate TD and loads of different kinds of level to get, so if you like to keep track of how you’re doing, there couldn’t be a better game for you to play.

Player Levels

Player levels in Final fate TD for PC work pretty much the same way as they do in every other game out there. As you move through the game, fighting the forces of darkness and building up your team of heroes, you will receive experience points. Once a certain number of experience points have been acquired, your avatar will level up.

Levelling Up in Final Fate TD: The Many Paths to Improvement

Levelling up in Final Fate TD will increase your avatar’s stamina and endurance, as well as granting you access to more areas and features in the game. Given that your heroes can only be upgraded up to the same level as you, when you yourself gain a level it will also allow you to upgrade all of your team, letting them share in the glory of your success.

Levelling Up in Final Fate TD: The Many Paths to Improvement

However, though there is only one way for you as a player to level up, there are many ways in which your heroes can improve….

Upgrade, Promote and Awaken

Now this is really important. Some games let you get used to them before they hit you with the complexities of training and managing your team… Final Fate TD is not one of those games. Right from the off you’re going to want to get on with buffing your heroes, getting them ready for the challenges that lie ahead.

There are 3 ways you can improve your characters directly – Upgrading, Promoting, and Awakening.


Upgrading is arguably the easiest of the three types of improvement, because it requires only one material that is very common in Luna – Ether. You’ll find Ether all over the place as you play through Final Fate TD, so running out shouldn’t be too much of a worry. To level up a character in this way, go over to a character’s improvement screen, select the ‘Upgrade’ tab, and then click one of the upgrade buttons at the bottom of the screen, either x1 or x5.

Levelling Up in Final Fate TD: The Many Paths to Improvement

Levelling Up in Final Fate TD: The Many Paths to Improvement

There’s no need to select Ether yourself or anything like that. When you click the upgrade button, the game will do all the working out for you, giving your character XP and levelling them up accordingly. Be aware, characters’ levels are limited by the player’s own level. If you’re currently a level 10, then your heroes will also max out at level 10, so make sure to check back in with your team regularly to upgrade them back up to your level.


Whilst not the costliest improvement of the three, promoting does require two steps, each consuming its own resources.

Promotions are measured in stars, and within each star level by ranks. Here, you’ll need to spend ‘Will of the Void’ to grant heroes EXP, which will in turn push them up through the ranks. There are 3 ranks at every star level, which means that you can’t keep improving them until you promote them up a star level and the whole cycle starts again.

Levelling Up in Final Fate TD: The Many Paths to Improvement

So how to you get your characters to go up a star level?

That, dear reader, is phase two.

Once a hero has reached rank 3 in their current star level, the buttons to spend ‘Will of the Void’ will disappear and be replaced by a button allowing you to spend a whole different resource – ‘Promotion gems’.

These bright blue cubes do pretty much exactly what they say on the tin – they promote heroes from one star level to the next. Once a hero has reached a new star level, then the whole process starts again, with 3 ranks earned through Will of the Void and then the next star level through promotion Gems. Simple, right?

Levelling Up in Final Fate TD: The Many Paths to Improvement


This one is pretty cool, actually, but it comes at a much higher price than the others. Whereas our other methods of improvement have only consumed resources, awakening a character requires the sacrifice of other heroes in your collection.

Awakening a character is a powerful move, but to do so you will usually have to consume at least one other character of the same rarity, sometimes more.

Levelling Up in Final Fate TD: The Many Paths to Improvement

This isn’t quite as drastic as it may sound, though. Throughout your journey in Luna, you will pick up an awful lot of heroes, some of them multiple times. Even if you choose to keep one copy of every hero in your inventory, you’ll still have duplicates and triplicates that can be used for awakenings.

Levelling Up in Final Fate TD: The Many Paths to Improvement

However, if you’re less sentimental about it, you can always use weaker, less useful heroes to make your team members more powerful. After all, what is the point in dragging around a weakling when you have powerful warriors to attend to?

Parting thoughts

Final Fate TD is not short of level mechanics, but each and every one of them has something different to offer and will affect your heroes in different ways. For the most well rounded characters, you’ll want to make sure that you improve your team in all of the possible ways as much as you can, but in the event of dwindling resources, it might be worth focusing on your most powerful allies. How you choose to distribute power and levels is entirely up to you. As long as it helps you defeat the forces of the void, the citizens of Luna will be happy.