Gear contributes greatly to your character’s strength in Soul Crush: Kong Fu World . This is simply because all of the weapons, armor, and other accessories that your character equips are primarily what make up their entirety. With that said, it is without a doubt the best interest of every Soul Crush player to grind for the best gear.

This guide will show you not only where and how you can obtain stronger gear but also ways on how to upgrade your existing gear. 

Gear Enhancements

When it comes to upgrading your existing gear, there are three ways to do this. You can do basic enhancements to your gear, inlay them with gems, or fuse some excess gear parts together into a single strong gear item. Note that there are actually more than three ways to upgrade gear, but granted these three are the ones that you can access early on in the game. 


Enhancement is the most rudimentary way to upgrade gear.

A Guide to Acquiring and Upgrading Gear in Soul Crush: Kong Fu World

Copper is the sole resource consumed for gear enhancements. Every enhancement increments the gear’s EXP bar by a certain amount. As the gear reaches a higher level, the amount incremented to its EXP bar also increases but at the same time, the cost for enhancement increases as well.

You have the option to use either Auto Enhance or Enhance. Using Auto Enhance will trigger the game to keep spending on enhancement unless you disable it. The manual enhance seems to be the better option (ironically) because you have more control over how much you are spending. The Auto Enhance can run quite fast and you might end up in situations wherein you lose track of how much Copper is being depleted.

Once you acquire and equip new gear from idling or from dungeons, the enhancement level from the old gear will automatically transfer to the new one. So if your character’s chest armor has an enhancement level of 25 and you gain a new one after playing idle, the new armor’s level will instantly be 25. 


Aside from gear enhancements, you can also upgrade your gear with gems. Gems are special jewelry that can be embedded or inlaid inside gear to further increase their stats 

A Guide to Acquiring and Upgrading Gear in Soul Crush: Kong Fu World

There are two types of gems. First, you have common gems which are represented by plain red or plain blue gems. 

A Guide to Acquiring and Upgrading Gear in Soul Crush: Kong Fu World

Second, you have colorful gems which are much more potent than the common ones but are also rarer and more expensive. There are several colorful gems in the game and these are:

  • Blood Elf stone – helmet and clothes
  • MAR elf – weapon and necklace
  • DES elf – pendant, bracelet, and ring
  • Defensive Spirit Stone – bracer, belt, shoes
  • Ruby – weapon, pendant, necklace, bracelet, and ring
  • Sapphire – helmet, clothes, bracer, belt, and shoes

A Guide to Acquiring and Upgrading Gear in Soul Crush: Kong Fu World

Each gear has six gem slots. The first two are unlocked by default while the third, fourth, and fifth can be unlocked once the gear reaches a particular tier (or when you spend Drilling Tallies. The sixth one can only be unlocked by buying a Perm Pass with real money.


You may notice that each gear has one or two stars on their icon. The stars indicate your gear’s rarity. The rare the gear, the stronger it is.

The hierarchy of the gear rarities is as follows:

  • Super 1-star, Super 2-star, Super Rare 1-star, Super Rare 2-star, Super Rare 3-star, God 4-star, Godlike 4-star

A Guide to Acquiring and Upgrading Gear in Soul Crush: Kong Fu World

In order to fuse gear, you need to have three other gear items that are of the same tier. You can enable “only display fusible gear” to have an easier time knowing what is fusible or not.

Defeating Bosses

Soul Crush: Kong Fu World is rich in the amount of bosses that you can fight. Particular boss fights reward you with new and strong gear upon defeating them. Here are some of the types of bosses that you can battle against if you are looking for some new gear. 

Infinite Boss

Infinite bosses are a set of bosses that constantly respawn, allowing for endless opportunities to reap rewards. Each boss can be unlocked by reaching a certain level. Additionally, the game also recommends that amount of CP that you need to have in order to defeat the boss without any sort of hardships.

A Guide to Acquiring and Upgrading Gear in Soul Crush: Kong Fu World

The actual bosses themselves can take quite a while because you need to deplete their health bar 100 times. It is recommended to bring other players with you so that the boss would be killed much quicker than otherwise.

Upon defeating the boss, you win about three gear items, EXP, as well as roses (useful when you have formed a marriage with another player). If you happen to kill the boss before anyone else, you can be rewarded with First Kill Rewards. These rewards include B.D Ingots, more attempts to fight other bosses, elixir, and more.

A Guide to Acquiring and Upgrading Gear in Soul Crush: Kong Fu World

True to its name, infinite bosses will reappear after a cool-down time expires. After time passes, you can fight the boss again to farm more rewards. What is even better is that you are given unlimited attempts to fight Infinite Bosses.

Personal Boss

Fighting personal bosses reward you with better gear compared to those won from beating Infinite Bosses. In terms of mechanics, they are not much different from Infinite Bosses. 

A Guide to Acquiring and Upgrading Gear in Soul Crush: Kong Fu World

A grave difference however is that Personal Bosses have limited attempts. In fact, you are going to need several Personal Boss Passes, which act as entry tickets. These passes can be obtained from Activity Reward or by buying them with Ingots.

World Boss

World bosses are the most difficult bosses among the three. In spite of the large risk, the rewards are extremely high (i.e. super rare gear). Like Personal Bosses, fighting World Bosses require several items that act as entry tickets. These are called World Boss Attempt Potions and they can only be obtained from timed events.

A Guide to Acquiring and Upgrading Gear in Soul Crush: Kong Fu World

Completing Dungeons

If you are looking for some gems to place inside your gear items, you can go clear some dungeons which reward you with gems after doing so. There are four types of dungeons that primarily reward you with gems. 

Deity Treasure Vault

Defeat a boss to acquire common gems like ruby and sapphire. 

A Guide to Acquiring and Upgrading Gear in Soul Crush: Kong Fu World

Color Vault

Defeat a boss to acquire colorful gems.

A Guide to Acquiring and Upgrading Gear in Soul Crush: Kong Fu World

Silver Cave

In this unique dungeon, you navigate through a grid-style map in order to find several treasure chests. You have to guess the location of the chests based on the treasure map, which displays the specific order of the chests.

The caveat is that you only have a limited number of attempts (represented by shovels). More attempts can be bought with B.D Ingots or Ingots and can also be acquired from Activity Rewards.

A Guide to Acquiring and Upgrading Gear in Soul Crush: Kong Fu World

When you successfully find all the chests, you can win a colorful gem, a drilling tally, Advanced Cultivation Item, and Basic Cleanse Elixir.

Silver Treasure Maps are used to begin exploration in the Silver Cave and you are going to need this to advance to the next level. More maps can be bought with B.D Ingots.

Golden Cavern

The mechanics of the Golden Cavern are exactly the same as the Silver Cave.

The only differences are that this cavern utilizes Parting Pangolins instead of shovels to represent attempts (can also be bought with B.D Ingots or Ingots). Moreover, the Golden Cavern also gives you better rewards such as a colorful gem, an Ultimate Elixir Chest, Wings Transform Amulet, and a Super Treasure EXP Pill.

A Guide to Acquiring and Upgrading Gear in Soul Crush: Kong Fu World

Completing Time-Limited Targets

Time-limited targets are challenges that you can complete in order to win rewards like common and colorful gems.

A Guide to Acquiring and Upgrading Gear in Soul Crush: Kong Fu World

 Additionally, you can also obtain other resources like Personal Boss Passes and Renown (a special currency).