Free Fire Releases Maro and Xayne as New Characters in World Series Patch Update

Popular Garena title Free Fire has released a new patch update for the World Series that involves a lot of changes, additions, improvements, adjustments and more to the gameplay, characters and weaponry in the game.
Clash Squad Changes
Clash Squad Season 6 has now arrived with The Golden M500 up for grabs as a Clash Squad exclusive item. The Clash Stores have also undergone a rework, with each match set to have a random Store available out of a set of stores for both the teams. Hence, in each match the teams will be privy to a random store out of the Store Alpha, Store Beta, Store Charlie and Store Delta, with Store Mysterious only available in the casual mode while the others are also present in the Ranked games. Players will also have a new map to play Clash Squad on, with Bermuda Remastered added to the Clash Squad map pool for both casual and ranked modes.
MVP of each team will be displayed at the end of each Clash Squad match this season onwards. Players had also raised the issue of having to add the weapon attachments to each picked up guns every time. From Season 6, the attachments will be permanently attached, which means players will not have to manually reattach them while picking up a weapon.
Free Fire has also addressed the issue of players camping around the centre to gain an advantage of the shrinking zones, with Season 6 set to feature a more dynamic zone outlay, thus moving away from the centrally aligned shrinking of the zones.
Characters, Character System and more!
The Character System has been reworked and a completely new UI Character selection page is now available for players to allow smooth selection, navigation and character upgrade. Players will also not have to incur extra costs to level up Characters, which means they can unlock the max levels of the character directly. The Awakening Character Skills will now include the skill of the original Character, which means the character will be truly Awakened at once. The max levels of the Character have been reduced from 8 to 6 to ensure characters’ skills also level up along with the characters.
Maro and Xayne are two new characters that have been welcomed into the character pool. Chrono has been nerfed by Free Fire while the likes of Maxim, Misha, Olivia and A124 have all received a buff. Wukong, Rafael, Hayato and Kelly-The-Swift have had their abilities reworked to an extent to make the meta a bit more balanced, with Chrono proving too good in the current scenario.
Battle Royale Changes
Revival Points will now be available on all maps including the casual mode in Battle Royale, as will the Vending Machine. The location of the Vending Machine will now be visible on the map and the playzone damage will not interrupt the vending machine mechanism for players.
A 1v1 Boxing Ring has been added in the Training Grounds and will enable players to go mano-a-mano as preparations before heading onto the battlefield. The Target Arcade now has rankings enabled to add some form of competitiveness to it. The weapon sound has been lowered in the Social Zone, which also allows players to add others as friends. Players can also view battle stats in the Combat Zone from now onwards.
Weaponry Changes
A new Light Machine Gun called Kord has been added to the weaponry pool, with the weapon good for open long range fires and has a high fire rate allowing players to hunt down their enemies with added efficiency. Players can crouch to activate the Machine gun mode in Kord. Machine Gun mode will be available for all machine guns henceforth, with players able to activate it while crouching or proning. Entering the Machine Gun mode allows players to have an increased fire rate or greater damage with each bullet depending on the Machine Gun they have in their loadout.
Apart from that FAMAS has received a buff, with Free Fire increasing the Base Damage, Minimum Damage, Burst Speed and even the Recoil Buildup for the weapon to make it more viable in the meta. The UMP has received another buff, with the focus being kept on increasing its accuracy both while stationary and during movement.
FF Knife and MAG 7 have also received small buffs, with the knife now dealing 80 more damage to downed enemies while MAG 7 has been reworked to increase its accuracy and lessen the recoil to make it more competitive compared to other shotguns in the game.
Vector, M82B and M14 have been nerfed while Free Fire has added the cooking feature to flashbangs as well. Smoke Grenades have also been buffed, increasing the speed of blooming, distance of throw along with making it available to players in airdrops as well.
A new Loadout menu is now available in-game for Free Fire players along with a Heroic Emblem that will enable tracking of all achievements collected by the players in the given season.
Other following optimizations have also been conducted.
- You can now sort your in-game backpack in ascending and descending order.
- Optimized the minimap display for all game modes.
- Players can now see others’ active skill while spectating.
- Players will now prioritize players who are alive when turning into a spectator.
- Optimized the damage display for DoT damages.
- Attempt to fix a bug where no damages are dealt on hit.
- Optimized the honk buttons on vehicles.
- Rank interface now supported in team lobby.
- Optimized the in-game HUD menu.
- Players can now report inappropriate behavior in world chat.
- The Emote, Pet Emote, Prone, Ping, and Legendary Costume button can now be hidden on the HUD menu.