Mobile Legends: Adventure Game Review – The New, the Old, and the Purely Gacha

Mobile Legends: Adventure might take place in the same world as Moonton’s famous MOBA ML: Bang Bang, but it plays nothing like its predecessor. While Bang Bang featured a lot of hands-on PvP action, Adventure is a typical Idle or AFK RPG.
Basically, you gain the most gold, EXP, and hero EXP (pretty much everything, really) when you just let the game run in the background. This is awesome if you’re playing Mobile Legends: Adventure on BlueStacks while being a busy little bee at work, for example.
“Playing” is something of a strong word in this particular instance, though, because unlike other titles, this game will rarely ever distract you from your task. Is that a good or a bad thing? That’s up to you.
Revisit the Mobile Legends Universe
Moonton’s Mobile Legends: Bang Bang was a tremendous success from the very moment it was released, especially in the Asia region, where it accumulated millions in revenues. Here and across the entire world, players took a liking to this mobile MOBA, its unique characters, and its adrenaline-filled PvP encounters.
Mobile Legends: Adventure comes as a sequel to Bang Bang, which means that, even though it’s a different genre, the game takes place in the same universe, where you can meet many familiar faces. As soon as you hop on the adventure train, you’re greeted by Layla, a marksman whom you might remember as the first character you’ve ever played in Bang Bang.
Tigreal, the tank who had a special place in many players’ hearts before ML: Adventure, is the next character that joins your team. Cyclops, Akai, and many other favorites from the previous game also make a return – with a twist! If, in Bang Bang, these heroes were valued especially for their abilities in combat, in Adventure, you have the chance to become familiar with their stories and their personalities.
Sadly, many of them are fairly stereotypical. Most girl-women (because it’s difficult to refer to them otherwise) are silly, sexualized, and invariably “naughty,” while men wear significantly more armor and are obviously grievously serious. The dialogue between them follows these patterns to the letter, which, we suppose, is part and parcel of the aesthetics of this genre.
The Typical AFK + Gacha Mobile Game
When we get down to the gameplay itself, Mobile Legends: Adventure is your typical AFK game with Gacha features and a lot of idle added on top. The game encourages you to go AFK frequently while it runs in the background and actually makes it impossible to progress, at times, if you’re an F2P player who refuses to do so.
As the leader of a team, you collect heroes that you can then upgrade, star up, and equip with the best gear. Although each hero has their own chargeable ultimate, combat plays out automatically during most encounters, so whether you win or lose is more about preparation than live reactions. Your heroes’ level is significant from this point of view because it is virtually impossible to defeat opponents 5+ levels higher than you – even if you have more stars between the members of your team.
Play Mobile Legends: Adventure on BlueStacks
Leveling your crew takes gold and hero EXP, which – you’ve guessed it! – you mostly get while being AFK. Sure, you can obtain some resources from actually progressing through campaign levels, but this is not nearly enough to keep your team from falling behind. Whether you like it or not, you’ll have to let the game accumulate some hero EXP for you as early as the third chapter of the campaign before you can progress further.
Otherwise, if you’re lucky enough to draw one the best heroes in Mobile Legends: Adventure and your team are fairly upgraded and geared, there are plenty of things to do when you decide to turn your attention to the game. Aside from completing the campaign, you can do dungeons for gear upgrade materials, climb the Tower of Babel for hero evolution supplies, and even battle it out against other players.
A Plus for Simplicity
Mobile Legends: Adventure might not be a very hands-on RPG, but that can be a good thing for both the casual and the avid player. Unlike with other Gacha games, you don’t have to spend all day clicking buttons in order to get the necessary resources to progress. Just let the game run in the background and, when you have a moment to play, enjoy the gold and EXP for free. No stress and, more importantly, no wasted time.
Of course, if you’re willing to invest real currency, you can get your team buffed up faster, but this is by no means a must. ML: Adventure gives you plenty of opportunities to earn premium currency without spending a cent, which you can then use for a shot at better heroes.
Once you have the heroes you want, upgrading them is not too complicated. Nevertheless, each character comes with his or her own, unique abilities, which adds flavor to combat even when it’s automated. Getting the perfect team composition for every challenge and, if you choose to battle manually, pressing your ultimates at just the right time are just some of the aspects of the game that invite moderate theorycrafting.
Overall, from the combat system to the interface, this idle RPG oozes a pleasant and relaxing feeling. As such, it comes as a welcome change of pace from Bang Bang, especially for those players who want to learn more about the Mobile Legends universe and characters. The summoning, upgrade, and combat systems are simple without being simplistic and the cheerful attitudes of characters in the face of mortal danger almost makes you forget that the game’s depiction of women belongs somewhere in the previous century. Almost.