As we’ve been mentioning in the past, Darkfire Heroes is a mostly casual game that offers lots of fun without the need for spending inordinate amounts of time farming and grinding. This is, in part, due to the game’s energy system that greatly limits the amount of time you can spend per session, as well as thanks to the relatively straightforward and simple design of the PvE game modes. However, the players who are seeking real challenges will undoubtedly turn to the PvP modes, which pits you against other players in hectic, intense matches that will test your skills to the limit.

Darkfire Heroes - The Best PvP Strategies, Team Formations, and Tricks for Winning at Castle Conquest

The PvP in Darkfire Heroes is divided into two main game modes: Castle Conquest, and Hero Race. The former is a purely PvP mode where players face against each other directly, and the first person to break through the opponent’s defenses and destroy their castle is the victor. Meanwhile, the latter is, like its name suggests, a race where both teams rush through hordes of mobs and the first person to reach and destroy the castle at the end of the path wins.

For obvious reasons, each game mode has its own play style and therefore must be approached differently. For the purposes of this article, however, we’ll be focusing entirely on the best tips and tricks for Castle Conquest. If you’ve ever wanted to completely outclass your opponents in this game, then keep this pointers in mind:

The Best Controls Lead to Easy Wins

We’ve already touched this point in our beginner tips and tricks article, but we wanted to double down here since, particularly when it comes to PvP, precision and speed is of the utmost importance. And if you’re stuck playing on your phone, you’re definitely at a disadvantage.

Darkfire Heroes - The Best PvP Strategies, Team Formations, and Tricks for Winning at Castle Conquest

Luckily, you can easily play Darkfire Heroes on your PC with BlueStacks and enjoy this game from the comfort of your PC monitor, with the precision that your mouse and keyboard can provide, and with the versatility of having Macros and other tools at your disposal. Not to mention that you’ll also be able to enjoy the best visuals at the smoothest framerates.

Your Formation Matters

As we mentioned just now, there are two main PvP modes in Darkfire Heroes, and while you’ll be competing against other players on both of them, they each require a very different approach to win. In Hero Race, it’s basically a PvE match where you’re trying to reach the goal as fast as possible. Meanwhile, Castle Conquest is entirely PvP and you’ll be facing the enemy team directly, which means that you’ll need to pick heroes to actually counter the enemy units, as opposed to fighting mindless NPC monsters.

Darkfire Heroes - The Best PvP Strategies, Team Formations, and Tricks for Winning at Castle Conquest

However, since there are currently over 60 characters to choose from, finding the right combination can be a bit challenging. Luckily, there are a few characters that are useful for both PvP modes and that can easily fit into any team composition. Heroes like Otho, Salva, Mala, and Lirs, among others, are great for either game mode, and you’d benefit greatly from adding them to your team. 

Check out our Darkfire Heroes tier list article to learn more about the best characters in the game for PvP.

Focus on High-Value Targets

Since you’ll be fighting directly against the enemy team in Castle Conquest, you’ll need to correctly choose your targets in order to counteract emerging threats and to keep the enemy dominated. For instance, it’s very likely that, if the enemy has a Mala on their team, they’re going to be relying extensively on AoE tactics to whittle you down. Consequently, by quickly bursting down the Mala, you can get some breathing room and deal with the other targets effectively.

Darkfire Heroes - The Best PvP Strategies, Team Formations, and Tricks for Winning at Castle Conquest

This strategy applies to most situations where the enemy relies heavily upon a single source of damage or a single gimmick – by quickly snuffing out important targets, you can stay in control of the battlefield and take the win.

Your Spells are Important!

Spells in Darkfire Heroes can be easy to overlook, especially since they’re tucked away just above your character skill bar. However, these evocations can often turn the tide of battle, either by helping to keep your team alive, by dealing with dangerous targets in a flash, or by inflicting a variety of crippling status effects to the enemy. 

Darkfire Heroes - The Best PvP Strategies, Team Formations, and Tricks for Winning at Castle Conquest

Just like hero skills, spells require varying amounts of mana per use. However, instead of having regular cooldowns like skills, you can only carry up to three spells on hand at a time. And every time you use one of them, a new spell card is taken from your deck and added to your hand. You really can’t tell what spells you’re going to get, but you can potentially chain several of them to create powerful effects, as long as you have enough mana, that is.

Just like with your heroes, you can take a maximum of five spells to the match.

Time Your AoE Skills for Maximum Effect

In Castle Conquest, a well-placed AoE attack can often be decisive and lead to an easy win. This is particularly true when it comes to the skills of specific characters like Otho, whose AoE stun can severely cripple the enemy and leave them completely vulnerable to follow up attacks. 

Darkfire Heroes - The Best PvP Strategies, Team Formations, and Tricks for Winning at Castle Conquest

However, in order to inflict maximum damage with your attacks, you must always time them correctly so that they affect as many enemies as possible. This is especially important when it comes to targeting enemy heroes. While getting as many minions can help to stop a strong push, it’s the enemy heroes who have the potential to deal most of the damage. In this sense, if you ever have to choose between hitting several minions or hitting a couple of heroes, always go for the latter, particularly when it comes to inflicting stuns and other crowd control effects.

With these simple and easy tips and tricks, you can overpower most of your enemies in the Castle Conquest PvP mode of Darkfire Heroes. Remember that, for added effect, you should always keep your heroes and spells as upgraded as possible as this will give you a better edge against most enemies. 

Darkfire Heroes - The Best PvP Strategies, Team Formations, and Tricks for Winning at Castle Conquest

Feel free to share your own PvP tips and tricks for Darkfire Heroes in the comments below!