King’s Throne: Game of Lust – How to Sire and Train the Most Powerful Princes

Alongside heroes and maidens, the many (many!) children you sire in King’s Throne can contribute to your Levies and the overall power of your kingdom. Did you think that sons and daughters born out of wedlock cannot possibly become part of a ruler’s dynasty? Think again. In this mobile empire management game, there’s no limit to how many maidens you visit, nor to the number of princes and princesses they bless you with. All legitimate.
Unlike in the case of heroes, whom you can train extensively in order to boost their strength, the factor that most determines the power of a child is your relationship with his or her mother and the moment of conception. Couldn’t have asked for a better system!
Where Do Princes Come From?
In a different guide, we focused on maidens, their stats, and how you can bring more to the castle. Once these women move into the royal bedchambers, you can visit them to enjoy their company and, sometimes, to have a child. True to life in the medieval ages, the latter occurs randomly, but there are things you can do to improve your chances.
To the left side of the main Castle screen, you’ll find the Maiden Chambers. Inside, you have two options – visiting a random damsel or making a specific visit. The first option only requires 1 Stamina point, which is largely free. You can stack and use 4 Stamina at a time, while each point requires an average of 20 minutes to recover. There are a few downsides to this method. For one, you cannot select the maiden with which you have the best relationship to become the mother, which forces you to spread your gifts evenly to ensure an equal chance at a good heir. In addition, the chance that you will have a baby is lower.
Direct visits, on the other hand, are more likely to result in having a child and also provide 1 intimacy and more EXP for the mother per visit. This method does not come cheap, though. Every time you want to choose a specific maiden, you have to pay 10 diamonds per existing intimacy point. To have fun with Isabella, for example, we have to part with 220 diamonds, which is not exactly affordable if you’re an F2P player.
Maiden Intimacy and Child Potential
The intimacy you build with a specific maiden is the stat that determines how bright the resulting prince or princess will be. In ascending order, your children can be – Ordinary, Great, Extraordinary, Remarkable, and the Best (or what the game refers to as “Maximum potential”). For the most part, they will likely be born with Ordinary potential, especially during the early-game.
Once your intimacy with a maiden is at least 20, you have a decent shot at a child with Great potential. After that, the higher the intimacy (up to 200 for one of the brightest heirs), the better the potential of the prince or princess and the better their stats when they grow up.
Play King’s Throne: Game of Lust on BlueStacks!
You can upgrade your intimacy level with a woman who lives at the castle by accessing her menu in the Maiden Chambers and sending her gifts – either Precious Necklaces (for +1 intimacy each) or Priceless Earrings (for +2). Naturally, if you are willing to pay the premium price for direct visits, you can, theoretically, improve your standing with just one or two maidens. If, on the other hand, you are more likely to use the “Random Visit” option to sire children, then you’ll want a fairly even distribution of gifts across the different women at court.
One-Click Education
As we’ve already mentioned earlier, what follows after conception in King’s Throne is more or less unimportant. Once the child is born, you can no longer affect their stats, which is a shame – if you ask us. You do, however, have to bring up the progeny, but unlike in real life, this can be done with a mere click of a button… or several.
On the left-hand side of the main Castle screen, you can find the Royal Quarters, where your children are located. Inside the nursery, each child has their own screen and can be “raised” up to 20 points at a time. The higher the potential of an heir, the more times you will have to raise them before they become an adult. An ordinary child, for example, must be raised through 10 levels, each requiring 20 points.
A great little princess, however, must be raised for 20 levels. The first 10 levels require 20 points each, but the next 10 require 30. If you keep this rule in mind, you realize that the best children are an absolute pain to raise to adulthood and you will very likely be forced to use Energy Draughts to speed up the process. At least when you unlock 5 chambers (for a total of 1,900 diamonds), you can educate all children with available energy with just one click.
How to Arrange Marriages
When children reach max level in the nursery, they can be “evaluated” for matchmaking. Once this is completed, their stats can no longer be modified, apart from through marriage. Still in the Royal Quarters screen, a matchmaker can help you find the right partner for your progeny.
You can propose directly to another player, but you will most likely broadcast the message in global chat, instead. You don’t need to worry that your bright princess will be married off to some “feeble-minded” prince, either. Matchmaking is only done between heirs of the same potential, which almost always results in doubling the contribution of your child to the empire. You will need to spend either some gems or a form of dowry (such as the Silver Dowry) to make the announcement, though.
The whole process might seem fairly expedient, but you don’t have to worry that you’re sending your sons or daughters to some kind of unsavory fate. You can always check back on your heirs in the Matchmaking screen, under “Married Children.” Plus, they and their spouses will continue to benefit your kingdom indefinitely, both by adding to your overall power and by helping you collect more resources. Isn’t that great?
Of course, you already know that King’s Throne is not available on most Play Stores yet, but if you’re eager to start a fabulous dynasty, you can always get super early access with BlueStacks. Just check out our guide to how you can install King’s Throne on your PC and get working on your lineage today!