World War Heroes – WW2 PvP FPS is an exciting mobile game that transports players back to the intense battles of World War II. With its immersive graphics, realistic gameplay, and thrilling multiplayer action, it offers an authentic and adrenaline-pumping gaming experience. Engage in epic battles across iconic WWII locations and unleash your skills to outmaneuver and outgun your opponents.

In World War Heroes, one of the key elements that can make a significant difference in your gameplay is understanding the various weapon types available. With six distinct weapon categories – Assault Rifles, Rifles, Machine Guns, Shotguns, Special, and Pistols – mastering their uses and effectiveness is crucial for achieving victory on the battlefield. Knowing when to wield each weapon type according to the distance and situation will give you an edge over less-informed adversaries.

In this guide, we will give a brief overview of every weapon type in World War Heroes, as well as give our own opinions and tips on how to use them correctly for most combat encounters.

Let’s begin!

Table of Contents

  1. Assault Rifles
  2. Rifles
  3. Machine Guns
  4. Shotguns
  5. Pistol
  6. Special

Assault Rifles

Assault Rifles in World War Heroes encompass both assault rifles and submachine guns, offering distinct gameplay characteristics within this category. Assault rifles are the go-to choice for mid to long-range engagements, providing a balanced combination of fire rate, recoil, and damage. These versatile weapons allow for accurate sustained fire, making them effective in a variety of combat situations.

Weapon Types in World War Heroes - WW2 PvP FPS: A Guide to Choosing Your Arsenal

On the other hand, submachine guns (SMGs) are also classified under the Assault Rifle category in World War Heroes. While they share the same category, SMGs differ from assault rifles in terms of their strengths and weaknesses. Submachine guns prioritize high fire rates, increased ammo capacity, and improved mobility. They excel in close-quarters combat, offering devastating firepower and the ability to quickly eliminate enemies. However, SMGs have limitations in terms of precision and range compared to their assault rifle counterparts.

Understanding the differences between assault rifles and submachine guns is crucial for optimizing your gameplay experience. If you prefer engaging enemies from a distance and maintaining accuracy, assault rifles are the ideal choice. Their balanced attributes allow for reliable performance across medium to long ranges. On the other hand, if you prefer a more aggressive playstyle and favor close-quarter battles, submachine guns provide the firepower and maneuverability necessary to excel in shorter distances.

Weapon Types in World War Heroes - WW2 PvP FPS: A Guide to Choosing Your Arsenal

Mastering the usage of assault rifles and submachine guns will enable you to adapt your strategy based on the engagement range and map dynamics in World War Heroes. Choose your weapon wisely, and you’ll be well-equipped to dominate the battlefield with precision and effectiveness.


Rifles in World War Heroes are characterized by their long barrel length and single-fire capability, offering formidable damage potential. However, these rifles often come with tradeoffs in terms of fire rate and mobility.

Weapon Types in World War Heroes - WW2 PvP FPS: A Guide to Choosing Your Arsenal

The rifle category includes a variety of options, including slower bolt-action rifles that require manual cycling of the bolt after each shot. These rifles excel in terms of accuracy and raw stopping power, making them the weapon of choice for precision shooters who prefer to take calculated shots from a distance. While bolt-action rifles may have a slower fire rate, their high damage output compensates for this limitation.

In addition to bolt-action rifles, there are lever-action and semi-automatic variants within the rifle category. Lever-action rifles provide a middle ground between bolt-action and semi-automatic rifles, offering a balance between fire rate and precision. Semi-automatic rifles, on the other hand, offer faster follow-up shots without the need to manually cycle the bolt. However, they may have other drawbacks such as slightly reduced accuracy or magazine capacity.

Weapon Types in World War Heroes - WW2 PvP FPS: A Guide to Choosing Your Arsenal

Rifles are well-suited for players who enjoy the role of a sniper or a combat scout. They excel at long-range engagements, allowing skilled marksmen to eliminate targets with precision and efficiency. If you prefer a patient playstyle and the satisfaction of landing precise shots, rifles offer the ideal choice for you.

Whether you enjoy the thrill of long-range sniping or prefer the role of a combat scout, rifles in World War Heroes provide the means to fulfill these playstyles. Choose your rifle wisely, position yourself strategically, and make every shot count to assert your dominance on the battlefield.

Machine Guns

Machine Guns in World War Heroes are formidable heavy weapons that excel in providing suppressive fire and dealing high damage. These weapons are characterized by their high fire rate and impressive ammo capacity, allowing for extended periods of sustained fire. However, their usage comes with certain limitations that players should be aware of.

Weapon Types in World War Heroes - WW2 PvP FPS: A Guide to Choosing Your Arsenal

One of the key tradeoffs of using machine guns is their slow movement speed. Due to their size and weight, machine gun users may experience reduced mobility, making them less suitable for agile maneuvers or close-quarter combat situations. It is important to position yourself strategically and take advantage of cover to maximize your effectiveness with these weapons.

In addition, machine guns may exhibit a higher spread during sustained fire, affecting their accuracy over long distances. While they can still be effective at medium to long ranges, it is advisable to use short bursts or controlled fire to maintain accuracy and manage recoil. Additionally, the long reload times of machine guns require careful timing and positioning to avoid being caught in vulnerable situations.

Machine guns truly shine in scenarios where suppressive fire is needed. They are ideal for providing cover and suppressing enemy positions, allowing teammates to advance or secure objectives. Their high damage output can quickly whittle down enemy health bars, making them effective at controlling an area and denying enemy movements.

Weapon Types in World War Heroes - WW2 PvP FPS: A Guide to Choosing Your Arsenal

To make the most of machine guns, it is crucial to understand their strengths and limitations. Utilize their high fire rate and ammo capacity to lay down suppressing fire and support your team from medium to long distances. Be mindful of your positioning, manage your reloads wisely, and coordinate with teammates to maximize the impact of these heavy weapons.

With proper tactics and an understanding of their unique attributes, machine guns in World War Heroes can be a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Dominate the enemy forces by unleashing the power of suppressive fire with these formidable weapons.


Shotguns in World War Heroes offer a unique and thrilling playstyle, characterized by their high movement speed and devastating close-quarter damage. These weapons are designed for players who prefer up-close and personal engagements, where precision and positioning are paramount.

Weapon Types in World War Heroes - WW2 PvP FPS: A Guide to Choosing Your Arsenal

Shotguns are renowned for their extreme damage potential, capable of inflicting significant harm to opponents. However, their effectiveness heavily relies on proximity to the target. To maximize the damage output, players must ensure that all pellets from the shotgun spread hit the enemy. This requires getting in close range, where the full force of the shotgun can be unleashed.

While shotguns deliver immense power, they also come with inherent challenges. After each shot, players must cycle the weapon, resulting in a short delay before being able to fire again. This momentary vulnerability leaves shotgun users exposed and defenseless, necessitating careful timing and positioning to minimize the risk.

Achieving success with shotguns demands a high level of accuracy. Players must aim precisely to ensure that the spread of pellets hits the target effectively. Positioning and map awareness become critical, as shotguns thrive in tight spaces, corridors, and close-quarter combat scenarios. Ambushing unsuspecting enemies or flanking opponents can be a strategic advantage when wielding shotguns.

Weapon Types in World War Heroes - WW2 PvP FPS: A Guide to Choosing Your Arsenal

With shotguns, speed and agility are your allies. Take advantage of the increased movement speed to close the distance swiftly and catch opponents off guard. The ability to quickly eliminate enemies in close quarters can disrupt enemy strategies and create opportunities for your team to push forward.

Embrace the high-risk, high-reward nature of shotguns in World War Heroes, and unleash devastating firepower upon your adversaries. Get up close and personal, deliver punishing blows, and establish your presence as a formidable force on the battlefield. However, one good tip for using these weapons in World War Heroes would be to turn off auto-shooting, and instead take your time to line up every shot right before pulling the trigger. This will improve your effectiveness when wielding shotguns.


Pistols in World War Heroes may be commonly perceived as secondary weapons or backup options, but they possess surprising competence and versatility. Despite their compact size, pistols offer notable advantages that make them viable as primary weapon choices for players who desire agility and adaptability.

Weapon Types in World War Heroes - WW2 PvP FPS: A Guide to Choosing Your Arsenal

One of the key strengths of pistols is their exceptional movement speed. Equipping a pistol allows players to maintain a high level of mobility, enabling swift strafing, quick repositioning, and the ability to outmaneuver opponents. This advantage is particularly valuable in fast-paced gameplay, granting players the ability to react swiftly and evade enemy fire.

Additionally, pistols feature the highest reload speed among weapon types in World War Heroes. This swift reloading capability ensures minimal downtime between shots, allowing players to maintain a consistent rate of fire and sustain pressure on their targets. Quick reloads can prove critical in intense combat situations, granting players an edge over opponents wielding weapons with longer reload times.

Pistols also possess respectable damage per shot, making them formidable tools in the hands of skilled players. While they may not match the raw power of other weapon categories, their ability to deliver consistent damage can still be impactful. Landing accurate shots with a pistol can swiftly neutralize adversaries, especially when combined with efficient movement and precise aim.

Weapon Types in World War Heroes - WW2 PvP FPS: A Guide to Choosing Your Arsenal

However, it is essential to approach engagements strategically when relying on pistols as your primary weapon. Due to their shorter effective range and lower damage output compared to other weapon types, players must prioritize map awareness, positioning, and smart decision-making. Being ambushed by opponents wielding more powerful weapons can put pistol users at a disadvantage, underscoring the importance of maintaining situational awareness and utilizing cover effectively.

In the hands of a skilled and tactical player, pistols can be potent instruments of combat in World War Heroes. Leveraging their high movement speed, rapid reloads, and respectable damage, players can surprise opponents, engage in hit-and-run tactics, and swiftly adapt to changing battlefield scenarios.

Harness the versatility and agility of pistols, and prove that they are more than mere backup weapons. Stay vigilant, play smart, and showcase your prowess with pistols to outmaneuver and outgun your opponents in World War Heroes.


The Special category in World War Heroes is a diverse collection of weapons designed for specific purposes, primarily focused on anti-tank capabilities. While there are a few standout unique weapons, such as powerful high-caliber rifles, the majority of the Special category consists of launchers and explosives designed to take out vehicles and provide heavy firepower.

Weapon Types in World War Heroes - WW2 PvP FPS: A Guide to Choosing Your Arsenal

One of the notable weapons in the Special category is the M2-2 flamethrower, a devastating tool capable of dealing continuous heavy damage to both vehicles and personnel. This flamethrower is particularly effective in close-quarters combat, where its flames can engulf enemies and cause havoc on the battlefield.

In addition to flamethrowers, the Special category includes a range of launchers and anti-tank weaponry. These weapons are designed to counter armored vehicles and provide players with the means to take down enemy tanks and other heavily armored targets. High-caliber rifles with armor-piercing capabilities can also be found in this category, allowing players to engage enemy vehicles from a distance with precision and power.

The Special category emphasizes the “anti-tank” role, offering players the tools they need to neutralize enemy armored threats. These weapons provide a unique gameplay experience, enabling players to strategically target and eliminate enemy vehicles, disrupt enemy movements, and create opportunities for their team.

Weapon Types in World War Heroes - WW2 PvP FPS: A Guide to Choosing Your Arsenal

When utilizing weapons from the Special category, it is important to consider their intended purpose and the strategic value they bring to the battlefield. Effective teamwork and coordination with teammates can amplify the impact of these specialized weapons, allowing players to establish dominance and control over the opposition.

By understanding the strengths and limitations of each weapon type, you can adapt your playstyle and make informed decisions during combat encounters. Don’t underestimate the importance of weapon selection in World War Heroes – it can be the key to turning the tide of battle and emerging as a formidable force on the battlefield.

Using the right weapon at the right distance can be the deciding factor between victory and defeat. Assault Rifles are versatile, effective at medium ranges, and suitable for most combat scenarios. Rifles provide high accuracy for precise long-range engagements. Machine Guns excel in suppressing enemies with sustained firepower. Shotguns deliver devastating damage at close quarters, ensuring swift eliminations. Special weapons offer unique abilities and can turn the tide of battle in specific situations. Pistols serve as reliable sidearms and can be crucial in close-range encounters.